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New Staine-Glass Windows at our Cathedral

New Staine-Glass Windows at our Cathedral

On Sunday, May 7th, we had the Blessing of the Stained-Glass Windows for our Cupola. This beautiful project of $210,000 is donated by Jovan & Helen Govedarica and their daughter Jovana Govedarica. The icons of the saints on these stain glass windows (Christ’s Resurrection, St. Nikola, St. Jovan, St. Dimitrije, St. Sava, St. John Maximovich, St. Nikolaj Velimirovic, St. Mardarije) will be visible from far and near and complete the beauty of the Cathedral cupola. May God grant the Govedarica family many years for their generosity and love for our Church.

У недељу, 7. маја, осветили смо витраже у куполи нашег Саборног храма. Овај дивни подухват вредан $210,000 је прилог Јована и Јелене Говедарице и њихове ћерке Јоване. Ове свете иконе (Васкрсење Христово, Свети Јован Крститељ, Свети Никола, Свети Димитрије, Свети Сава, Свети Јован Шангајски, Свети Николај Жички, Свети Мардарије Либертивилски) биће видљиве из близа и из далека и употпуниће лепоту куполе нашег Саборног храма. Нека Господ благослови породицу Говедарица на многаја љета за њихову великодушност и љубав према нашој светој Цркви.

Each window has a 4″x8″ rectangle in its bottom panel which contains the actual dedication written in both English and Serbian using the baptized names.  The English is for the benefit of all future generations. The Serbian is out of respect for the deceased’s and our heritage. The remaining eight attachments illustrate these rectangles. With understanding that these dedications are too small to be read from the cathedral floor, the following PDF forms are provided. 

This attachment will provide information of which saints are depicted in the cupola and why that saint was selected. The attachment also identifies the location of the window and the common names of the people in whose memory the windows are dedicated.


Cupola Stained-Glass Window Summary


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