Walk to Remember and Honor the Memory of Marko Niketic
Event: 5K Walk RunHosted by: Marko Niketic FoundationLocation: Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox CathedralAddress: 5701 N Redwood Drive, Chicago, IL 60631Date: Saturday,
His Grace Bishop Longin was born on September 29, 1955 as Momir Krco in the town of Kruscanje Olovo. His parents were Stanoje and Andja Jovanovic. He attended...
V. Rev. Dr. Darko Spasojevic was born in 1976 in Montbeliard, France. He spent his childhood and completed primary education in the village of Velika Snjegotina...
Protopresbyter Dobrivoje V. Milunovic was born on July 19, 1967 in Raska (Old Serbia), from father Vukomir and mother +Desimirka. When he was six years old, his...
Presbyter Nikolaj Kostur, the youngest of the five children of Archpriest-Stavrophor Lazar and Protinica Mira Kostur, was born in Duluth, Minnesota, on December 16, ...
Event: 5K Walk RunHosted by: Marko Niketic FoundationLocation: Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox CathedralAddress: 5701 N Redwood Drive, Chicago, IL 60631Date: Saturday,
Invocation of the Holy Spirit Beginning of a New School SeasonSunday, September 15, 2024 We are
We are thrilled to announce that the restoration of our terrazzo floor is nearing completion. The
Support our Cathedral’s 2024-2025 goal: 200 families contributing regularly of at least $25 weekly. Pledge today by setting up automatic donations on our website. Visit www.hrsoc.org, click ‘Make A Donation,’ choose ‘Goodwill/Доброчинство,’ opt for weekly/monthly donations, and select your payment method.
Подржите наш циљ за 2024-2025. годину: 200 породица које доприносе недељно са $25. Обавите обећање данас постављањем аутоматских донација на нашем сајту. Посетите www.hrsoc.org, кликните на “Make A Donation,” изаберите “Goodwill/Доброчинство,” одаберите недељне/месечне донације и изаберите начин плаћања.
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Dedicated Ministry to the
People of God
based on Orthodox Christian values and traditions
based on Orthodox Christian values and traditions
Dedicated to delivering exceptional educational initiatives rooted in Orthodox Christian values and traditions, our goal is to cultivate a vibrant intellectual community. Through our efforts, we aim to empower individuals who will emerge as the driving force behind the Christian Orthodox presence on this continent. Join us in shaping a future where knowledge and faith converge.
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