Parochial school
This is the Parochial School of our Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of Chicago. St. Sava Academy is a registered State of Illinois parochial school.
This is the Parochial School of our Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of Chicago. St. Sava Academy is a registered State of Illinois parochial school.
Church School classes take place at Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral from September through May from 9:45-10:30 AM, in between the English and Serbian liturgies.
The Holy Resurrection Cathedral provides another brilliant opportunity to our young children who thirst for more learning and fellowship experience. Children who are gifted with
СРПСКА ШКОЛА Недељна школа српског језика при Храму Светог Васкресења Христовог у Чикагу постији више од 20 година. Циљ школе је да деца, учећи српски
HRSOC Teens encourages all our high school youth to participate in this group that will focus on being active participants in the liturgical and sacramental
The educational program geared towards the spiritual and theological enhancement of our adult parishioners is held every Friday night from September to May. Adult education
All boys in the parish who are 7 years of age or older may serve as an Altar Boy. Being an Altar Boy is a
The HRSOC Young Adult Group is for parishioners ages 18-35, who are in their early adult years and professional careers. The group meets monthly in
Клуб је основан 2012. године као део Недељне школе српског језика у циљу учења језика кроз кретивне позоришне игре. Клуб је намењен деци узраста од
SOKO Folklore Group offers comprehensive cultural exposure to the art of traditional Serbian folk dance. Our talented choreographers will engage the children in the art