The Cathedral choir, SSS Branko Radicevich marked its 113th anniversary on Sunday Nov 10, 2019. The activities began with the newly elected choir board taking the oath of office. The new Choir board officers are President: Mike Minkel, 1st Vice President Protinica Jelena Milunovic, 2nd Vice President Alek Lappin, Financial Secretary Denise Trylovich, Recording Secretary Neda Gorancic and Treasurer Elizabeth Neskow. Activities moved to the social hall with the Brankies sponsoring a parish buffet luncheon and informal concert. The luncheon was celebrated with many friends and supporters of the choir, along with the members of the Cathedral clergy.
Thank you to everyone who helped plan, organize and invested their time to make the event fun and successful. Special thanks to the Jr Brankies (near 30 of them!) for their participation and to their parents for encouraging the love of music. Special thanks to Protinica Jelena for her efforts leading the event planning and coordination; You did a wonderful job! Finally, thank you to all the choir members who contributed in ways small and large to the event: the choir loft had every section represented at the start of liturgy, the ‘unsung’ heroes of the hall set up and cleanup crews, the 15 singers who performed Sunday, and of course our many friends, supporters and parishioners for celebrating the day with us. On behalf of the Choir thank you to all.
May God grant you many years! 🎵🎶