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2021 Winter Youth Retreat

2021 Winter Youth Retreat

The Youth Department, with the blessing of His Grace, Bishop Longin, is pleased to announce
this year’s Annual Winter Youth retreat: “Loving in Christ,” to be held at the New Gračanica
Monastery from Sunday, December 26th through Thursday, December 30th, 2021. We welcome
all Orthodox high school students interested in attending a spiritually-edifying retreat centered on
faith, fellowship, and fun. This year’s retreat includes presentations and discussions on how we
may live a fruitful life “Loving in Christ” while encountering the challenges of a broken world.
This year we also invite any Orthodox college students who would be interested in serving Christ
by applying to be one of our “Serving Leaders,”—someone who can assist the Youth Director
and staff by offering their time and talents for the duration of the retreat and serve as a primary
example of Christian leadership.

Each retreat participant must complete a registration form and pay a registration fee of $150.00.
Please note the fee is not refundable. We encourage those who may be experiencing financial
difficulties to reach out to their parish to request assistance. Those who are unable to secure
assistance from their parish, please contact Father Nikola Radovančević. We ask that all retreat
participants bring $20 for a charitable cause to be decided at the retreat. No additional spending
money will be necessary unless the participant would like to make purchases in the monastery
bookstore and gift shop. We are so looking forward to this year’s retreat, and we thank you for
your continued support of our Diocesan Youth Department. May God be glorified through our

In Christ,

Reverend Father Nikola Radovančević
Diocesan Youth Director
Phone: 414.403.9361


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